
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Ashish Verma wrote:
> I see that some of you list a key at end of all your mails. I want to know
> the use of those keys.

Install the gnupg package and read the howto that comes with it.

In short gnupg is a program to manage signing and encryption. All the
actions given below can be handled by gnupg. The protocols used are
part of an open standard.

Key management:
 1. You create a signing and an encryption key; each key has two parts
    one private, one public.
 2. You upload the public portions to a key server and put it in
    other public places (like your visiting card!).
 3. You get people who know you well to sign (validate) your key with
    their key.
 4. You keep your private key very, very, private.

 1. You can sign documents, programs, e-mails etc. that you send out
    using your signing key. People who have access to your public key
    can verify such signatures.
 2. People can encrypt documents which they want to send to you in
    private and only you (or other intended recipients) can decrypt them.
 3. You can also encrypt documents for your own safe keeping.
 4. You can sign other people's keys after verifying their authenticity.
 5. If you have other people's public encryption key, you can encrypt
    documents which you want to send to them in private.



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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