Vote for is the site which i had been maintaining with Drupal +
Mediawiki. Site was running with PHP 4.x and hence I wasnt able to use any
spam controls with the site. as a result, site was fully loaded with spam.

There wasnt a easy way to clean up the spam in wiki. Drupal stopped working
because of wiki taking as much as space in the server. in the mean time, was going to be expired. i wasnt able to contact the
person who own it for to do the renewal. bharathi and tshrinivasan knows
about this and they too tried to contact the person responsible for this. In
this time, i decided to register for and informed bharathi. was born. it took some time for me to get it up and running.
meanwhile members talked about site not being up for long time in the
mailing list. i decided to hold on the domain with me because i know that i
will renew it properly as i am doing it for my other sites. you will never
hear that " has expired". For everyone in this list, is for
ILUGC group. not for anyone. not my personal pet project.

Raman.P and Others in the mailing list wanted a site which is simple and
should be useful enough for people to know whats happening in ILUGC group.
It should tell where and when the next meeting is, what are all events, what
is the meeting place etc. In order to support all these features, I felt
like Drupal is the way to go.

Why i choose Drupal for
    Drupal is a simple content management system which:

        * generally stores your content in a database
        * keeps the design of the site separate from the content
        * makes it so that to update something on every page of your CMS Web
site you generally only have to update it in one place, not on every
individual page of the Web site.

    Drupal is very powerful and can be used for building large,
simple/complex sites.  Some example Drupal sites are: - The United Nations - Warner Brothers Records - The Discovery Channel - Forbes - The Grateful Dead - AOL - Yahoo - - The New York Observer - The Onion - Aaron Wall's

    You can see more list here ->

What it takes to develop a community site like with Drupal?

First of all, i have to tell you all that i have *not* done any coding. the
entire site is built just using Drupal and Modules

Default Modules used are
1. Colors
2. Comment
3. Contact
4. Menu
5. Poll
6. Profile
7. Search

Third Party Modules used are
1. CCK

Site is developed inspired by

How can i contribute to the development of
Since site is developed with Drupal, you have to contribute to the
core project or the modules at Few members in the list talked
about source code not being open for the site. There is nothing in the site to be open sourced. the source is already available there at I have done Zero lines of coding to get this site done

I cannot login to
currently user registeration is blocked. the decision is taken by bharathi
and this blocking is for only short time. after some time, it will be open
for all. any one can register with the site and add contents.

what are all the content i can contribute?
1. any FOSS Event which you are going to conduct / heard of.
2. if you are a ilugc meeting co-ordinator, you will be able to update the
ilugc meetings
3. any announcement releated to FOSS
4. FOSS related freelancing / full time jobs

These are not yet enabled as of now because user registration is blocked

where is the CD's for Grab page?
we had CD's for Grab page on the wiki previously. now I thought a different
way of doing it. After user registeration, you can do profile updates. In
that, you can mention what linux / foss you use. This will be available via
search for any one. This is not yet enabled as of now because user
registration is blocked now.

will i get any jobs via
i am not sure about this. but it is possible. if you update your
ilugc.inprofile with right set of information, you should be knocked
opportunities. Every user has a profile page where you can provide details
about your FOSS expertise. I am planning to take the feed from and display it here too. This is not yet enabled as
of now because user registration is blocked now.

why I did not build the site with HTML?
You can see what a static web page is here -> and here

Do i have Ego?
I often see the word "Ego" in the mailing list being mentioned. I definitely
*dont* have that (you can ask the people who knows me). I welcome the
decision which is right and i support it whole heartedly. It may differ from
people to people with the way they are looking at. I dont want to keep the
site source closed. just that people dont know that the source is already
available out there. people who knows about drupal and what leveraging open
source is knows about using existing ones rather than reinventing the wheel.
i definitely do not want to reinvent the wheel. Hence i chose drupal and i
definitely dont have any ego with any one. I admire people who are smarter
than me and i teach people who are less smarter than me to become smartest
than me.

What's Next?
Take a look at and if you like it, just vote for it whereever
voting is in place. Thanks for your time in reading this big email.

- balachandar muruganantham
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