A one day workshop was conducted under the auspices of the SSN Student
Chapter of IEEE by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
in association with SSN LUG on September 19, 2009 in commemoration of
Software Freedom Day. Students in junior years from B.E, M.E. and MCA
were initiated to Free and Open Source Software(FOSS).

Sri Ramadoss Mahalingam, associate at NRCFOSS, AU-KBC introduced the
participants to the realm of open source software. The students were
all ears as he spoke about how Stallman initiated a revolution in the
software industry, that will only grow as SaaS becomes the primary
model of business. Then Srikanth (logic), SSN alumnus guided the
attendees about the installation of Linux OS. Salvadesswaran, student
coordinator then helped them to get a feel of the system, and the
applications they'll use on their systems. Thana Shyam, SSN alumnus
taught them the rudiments of LAMP, and how to create applications
using PHP and MySQL.

Our sincere thanks to Mr. V. Balasubramanian and Mr. D. Venkata Vara
Prasad, Assistant Professors, Dept. of CSE, SSN CE for organising this
event and exposing the juniors to the domain of FOSS. We are also
grateful to SSN-LUG and the SSN Student Chapter of IEEE for aiding us
in the smooth conduct of the event.

Salvadesswaran Srinivasan,
SSN College of Engineering
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