The man page of mmv says :

       mmv - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns

But I don't care about the other features. For me this is very useful.

$ls *jpg
aurobindo-ghose.jpg                 radhamangeshkar.jpg
brahma_vishnu_shiva.jpg             rama_sita_hanuman.jpg
durga_hanuman_skanda.jpg            rama_sita_lakshmana_hanuman.jpg
hanuman.jpg                         Rishikesh_view_across_bridge.jpg
krishna_arjuna.jpg                  saraswati2.jpg

$ mmv -v '*.jpg' '#1.jpeg'
aurobindo-ghose.jpg -> aurobindo-ghose.jpeg : done
brahma_vishnu_shiva.jpg -> brahma_vishnu_shiva.jpeg : done
durga_hanuman_skanda.jpg -> durga_hanuman_skanda.jpeg : done
hanuman.jpg -> hanuman.jpeg : done
krishna_arjuna.jpg -> krishna_arjuna.jpeg : done

This is cool. I can also do many advanced tricks.

So far a one command batch move function was missing from the almighty
UNIX command line.

Now you have it. I should also profusely thank an IIT Roorkee student
who asked me to run a tip on
this to me in a personal mail long ago. Sorry I don't recollect his
name. I took a long time to learn it. ;)

mmv is safe(does not overwrite files), you can do advanced stuff with
it but it is a
cryptic utility made needlessly complex but
you will get your head around it in a while.

This article will be a great help.

It reminds me of par(1) in its unnecessary complexity but it is not as
bad as that.

Gayatri Hitech

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