
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009, Mano wrote:
> On matters mathematics I would trust Dr. Kapil more than anyone else
> on this list!

Never (at least almost never) _trust_ someone else's mathematics. The
whole point of mathematics is that if it is correct you should  be
able to verify things for yourself. A bit like open source --- if the
program has a flaw you can check it!

In this case, perhaps I interpreted incorrectly what Girish had to
say. My only justification is his obtuse style of writing! :-)

Though this is a little OT now, I am explaining this since Girish has
no time!

Here is a brief description of RSA which ignores some technical

 Take a number N which is a product of two (large primes) p and q.
 Take a smallish prime r like 23 or 31 which does not divide (p-1) or
 (q-1). Using p, q, r you can calculate s so that (p-1)(q-1)
 divides (rs-1).

 Your public key is (N,r). Your private key is (N,s).
 It is assumed that the p and q are not known to anyone except the
 person who holds the private key.

 Encryption takes m | 0 < m < N and takes it to (m^r modulo N).

 Decryption takes n | 0 < n < N and takes it to (n^s modulo N).

 One can show that (m^(rs)-m) is divisible by N providing that m is
 different from p and q. 

I hope this explains my remark that encryption and decryption are
inverses of each other.

Here is a brief description of Diffie-Hellman key exchange which also
ignores some technical points:

 Let P be a large prime and g | 1<g<P be a "suitable" number. 

 I   choose a number a | 1 < a < (P-1) and broadcast k=(g^a modulo P).
 You choose a number b | 1 < b < (P-1) and broadcast l=(g^b modulo P).

 Now, we use the "shared" key m=g^(ab) modulo P which:
  - I   can get by taking m=(l^a modulo P)
  - You can get by taking m=(k^b modulo P)

 It is generally believed that someone who does not know a or b
 cannot calculate m.

I hope this clarifies why I thought that Girish was talking about the
Diffie-Hellman key exchange.



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