On 02/10/2010 03:11 AM, depp fx wrote:
I have a problem with sound in my computer. For every 11-12 seconds I
hear a loud crackle in my speakers for some reason. I only get it when
no app is using the sound card or when it is idle. Its kind of
irritating&  I guess it has something to do with the processes that
access the CD/DVD drive. If I mute or if some app is using the sound
card then its perfectly fine. Can somebody suggest me on how could I
knw the process that is doing this?

If it sounds like glass shattering, it is most likely the default sounds effects for closing windows. You can check this by going to (from the main menu) "System->Preferences->Sound" and either changing the sound theme or disabling it totally (I personally prefer disabling it).

- steve

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