The number of registered "Linux users" on has "peaked"[1] in
2005. If the "charms" of Open source and Free Software still apply and with
growing population of tech savvy crowd, I see no reason why the
registrations on must go down. This is, of course, the sum of
registrations from each country.

A good old friend (and an ILUGC member :) ) pointed out that correlation is
not causation. I agree. But I wanted to know if the list admin will be
willing to help mine up data from the list member registration stats/logs.
We can conclusively see if there was a Peak in the most number of users
adopting to Linux and if that trend is declining.

I don't have data to back this claim but my gut feeling is that modern ways
of computing are radically changing and Linux is finding a Niche and
"settling down". Is Linux getting adopted as a Desktop OS as much as
MacBooks seem to become affordable to people? Or has the "use and throw"
culture killed the Art of Unix OS maintenance?

What do you think? :) Can the list-admin help with this pointless statistic?


"The Greatest Shortcoming of the Human Race is
our Inability to Understand the Exponential Function"
Dr. Albert Bartlett
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