On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Saravanan S <dearsarava...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kannan,
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:11 PM, kannan kesavan wrote:
>> so pls guide me how to installation of  dns and how to configure ?
> There are two ways available for dns, one with the actual dns setup, and
> other dns-kind of simple way with manual entries in resolv.conf.
> http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-how-to-setup-as-dns-client.html

The way I understood the OP, he wants to setup DNS zone and not just
be a consumer from some other server that gets referenced via

The quick (and archaic) way would be to add entries in /etc/hosts.
This works great when you have only one machine in your setup - no
overhead of installing BIND, creating forward and reverse maps etc.

See "man 5 hosts" for the format of each entry and also make sure that
/etc/nsswitch.conf has an entry like:

"hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns"

"files" must be the first entry; it forces the name resolver to look
at /etc/hosts first before querying a DNS server.

> and how to create domain and sub - domain ?
>> how to use that ?
> This you can do by configuring / adding Virtual Hosts entries in the  web
> server config.

IMO, this is an incorrect answer.   To be able to do the above you
still need the Vhosts to be defined in a DNS table (or /etc/hosts if
*all* name resolutions are done on one and only one machine).

To set up a  "zone" associated with a domain name,  OP needs to
register a domain name with a registrar and use that domain name.
Zones for sub-domains can be created by prefixing a name to the
registered domain name.   I have seen people use domain names
registered for other entities internally - that creates problems and
should be avoided.

So for instance, let's say the domain name is registered as
example.com.   A sub domains can be intra.example.com, further sub
domains could be chennai.intra.example.com etc.  I hope you get the

BIND has excellent docs that come bundled with the software.   I
suggest to OP to read those first and then ask specific queries on
things that you do not understand.

-- Arun Khan
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