On 02/19/2010 05:18 PM, rajkumar vbalakrishnasamy wrote:
Hi all,
    I have installed compiz package in linux using yum in my home but i could
not install it in my college system which requires username and password to
connect the internet through 8080 port

So basically your college http traffic goes through a proxy server that requires authentication, right ?

You can set all applications to use the proxy for http connections by setting this in "System->Preferences->Network Proxy"


you can configure this just for yum, by adding the following lines to the 'main' section of the config file '/etc/yum.conf':

proxy = "http://<proxy server name>:8080/"
proxy_username = "<username>"
proxy_password = "<password>"

Let us know if it works. (note: I've never had a reason to do this, so I don't know if that's all that is required. For instance, does one have to encrypt the password ?)

- steve
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