> >First off please go through the doc of Redhat  cluster suite. Remember
> >it is sold as RHEL Advanced Platform with considerably higher list
> >price that "Standard" and you will need to buy two subscriptions as a
> >HA cluster by definition consists of more than one node and a lot of
> >redudndancy in just about every element in the stack -- be it active
> >active or active passive.
> >Ok. having built and administered few HA RHCS, let me attempt to
> >explain with my very little knowledge.
> >Clusters are used for different purposes. High Availability (HA), High
> >performance computing (There is one in IITM - Check it out if you are
> >allowed)
> >From your requirement it seems that you need HA cluster.
> >To ensure that the service does not go down if one of the member node
> >dies. This can be active passive or active/active (lot of
> >pre-conditions, ifs-buts in this case).
> >Please think as service as an NFS server/apache server/database
> >server/terminal server (s/server/service/g)
> >Think of cluster as a phantom device (somewhat like Virtual IP)
> >wherein the  actual work is delegated the to one of its members.
> >Who delegates and how it is another subject in itself aka load
> >balancing (Checkout Linux virtual server or LB devices)
> >Once a service is under control of cluster, none of the individual
> >nodes can start it using /etc/init.d/<service> start. In fact it
> >should never be.
> >Hope this intro is sufficient to whet your appetite.
> >If you have understood the above please revisit the earlier links by
> >one of the very erudite members of this list. then come back with
> >further questions.
> >I would suggest you use centos to experiment. No debian at this stage
> >please. It will only confuse you. You will find a lot more people who
> >have implemented multi-node Redhat clusters so the probability of
> >getting answers is  higher
> >And please note that *any* clustering is complex if you dont
> >understand the underlying concepts. Administering and troubleshooting
> >the cluster is non-trivial and requires a lot of time and effort
> >investment. It is not simple as dong a partition/install packages. It
> >requires more.

Thank you sir for giving useful information, I m looking to build a cluster
with very low cost, something like this  http://helmer.sfe.se/
is there any alternative I can get in Cent OS same as what Redhat advance
platform provide.

Thank you
subhojit ojha
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