Applicaiton: aMule

What it is:

aMule is a free peer-to-peer file sharing application that works with
the EDonkey network and the Kad Network, offering similar features to
eMule and adding others such as GeoIP (country flags).


#  eD2k and Kademlia support.
# aMule is currently available in 28 languages.
# Support for Source Exchange in order to find sources for files more
# Large queues and the Credit system helps to ensure that everyone
will get the file they want and rewards those who actively upload to
other users.
# Support for the compressed transfers and server communication (using
zlib), which means faster transfers for compressible files and less
strain on servers.
# Support for Secure Identification, which insures that your user hash
can't be stolen in order to inpersonate your client.
# Support for IP-Filters so that you can keep known bad IPs from
connecting to you.
# Boolean search (AND, OR, NOT).
# You can have the traditional progress bar for transfers, percents
completed or both.
# aMule supports systrays for both Gnome, KDE and other compatible
window managers. Of course, on Windows too.
# Supports Online Signatures, so you can brag about using aMule.
# Checks against aggressive clients.

To know more about:

To install:

sudo apt-get install amule

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