
I guess you accidentally sent this to me rather than the list. So, i'm replying back to the list.

On 05/07/2010 11:46 AM, Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:

    First off, kudos for the effort. It is good to see someone trying to
    introduce a India specific FOSS related portal. That said, I was
    curious about how Muktware defines FOSS. For example, for this
    Yellow Pages Network, or the FOSS Professional feature who is a
    valid 'FOSS player' ?

Thanks Steve. Muktware philosophically believes in the concept of RMS's
Free Software. But as it happens Free is often mistaken for free lunch.
Mukt means Freedom in Hindi. So we are working on the commercial side of
free software. The rule is simple business can be done with ethics too ;-)

I think you misunderstood my question (or over simplified it). I understand the bit about Mutk/Free Software. My question though was along the lines ...

Anyone who provides Free Software/Open Source/Linux products and
services is a valid FOSS Player.

So, lets say I'm a software product manufacturer who uses FOSS tools to create proprietary (ie: closed source) applications or I am a software service provider using FOSS to provide non-free services(*):
- Can I advertise in your Yellow Pages ?
- Can I submit job requirement posts ?

- steve

(*) lets make it simpler still, can Oracle and Skype advertise on muktware ?

random spiel: http://lonetwin.net/
what i'm stumbling into: http://lonetwin.stumbleupon.com/
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