On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Raja Subramanian
<rajasuper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Arun Khan <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I do something similar for overnight downloads on my netbook.  The
>> system shuts down when there is 0 TCP connection.
> I just use "at", but I should look into something more sophisticated.
> My typical "at" usage:
>    liraz:~# at now + 5 hours
>    warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
>    at> /sbin/poweroff
>    at> <EOT>
>    job 12 at Sun May 23 04:24:00 2010
> - Raja

I have also used it.

Yday I had set at(1) to upload my file after p7zip whch is very slow.

Sometimes I don't have the patience of girls to sit and hand hold my computer.

I feel like cycling and getting some fresh air.

Yday I had done this and I kept checking my VPS. How can she disobey my order?

I came all the way from my office to find that the power had gone off. ;)

Raja clearly demonstrated the best way at should be used.

You enter commands directly into the at STDIN and press EOF Ctrl-D.

You can instead issue a shell script file as well.

But remember this will not work like cron. atd has to be running.

Don't get fooled into thinking that at will give some future benefit
until you test it with
simple print commands or music playing commands.

I love the flexibility of timespecs you can give to at.


Gayatri Hitech
web: http://gayatri-hitech.com

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