On Thursday 24 June 2010 19:40:52 Vannia Rajan wrote:
> Microsoft's Products and their services are good,

since when have they become good - and what services do they give?
> but what we don't want is
> to be "forced" to buy Microsoft products without any second option.
> Almost every new laptop/netbook is pre-installed with Microsoft O/S and few
> with MS Office too.. And we have to pay for that when we buy the laptop. If
> this attitude of Microsoft is changed, may be we could try to respect
> Microsoft..

you have to fight hard with the vendors, but you can get a laptop, netbook or 
desktop with linux. And good ones too.
> But, as long as "HP, Lenovo, Dell, etc.," will "recommend Windows 7", we
> can't kill Microsoft and had to bear the pain of this Cancer!!

I once asked a big shot from HP (which is anti microsoft and pro opensource) 
why they recommend windows. He said, if we do so then microsoft contributes 
towards the cost of the advertisement. As microsoft dies, they will no longer 
have money to pay the vendors and they will stop recommending.

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