> CGI is pretty much dead , mod_python is also outdated very much . The
> way to go now a days is WSGI .If you are using apache try using
> mod_wsgi .
> http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/
> WSGI Pep : http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/
> WSGI is a interface specified by the python langauge .

Is CGI "legacy"? I would say yes but "almost dead"? nope - if you 
just look at web hosting space and then if you get into some of 
the world's largest financial institutions still they are using 
CGI "pretty much" since most of their web apps running under it. 

Especially, I see Perl CGI still rules in many areas and phython 
just started it's journey in the enterprise world.
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