Looking up the Spelling of a Word. $ look <partial spelling>
so the following will list all words that start with stuff $ look stuff stuff stuffage stuffata stuffed stuffender stuffer stuffers stuffgownsman stuffier stuffiest stuffily stuffiness stuffinesses stuffiness's stuffing stuffings stuffing's stuffless stuffs stuffy It helps to have a large "linuxwords" dictionary. You can download a much bigger dictionary from the following: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/souptonuts/linuxwords.1.tar.gz?download -- Regards, Tha.Suresh Kanchi Linux User Group Rocks !!!! http://kanchilug.wordpress.com My experiences with Linux are here, http://thasulinux.wordpress.com _______________________________________________ ILUGC Mailing List: http://www.ae.iitm.ac.in/mailman/listinfo/ilugc