On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 15:29 +0530, Victor Johnson wrote:
> We accept KG is a genius. Please you dont imitate any one in the list.
> If some body made mistakes means, point out their mistake just one
> time.
> You just always trying to prove (or make yourself popular) by replying
> like
> you are worked in debian and other distros.
> Hope you understand my point. 

my point is very simple - there are a few hundred distros available.
Each of them has it's own way of installing things. 'sudo apt-get' is
the Ubuntu way of installing - so if someone says 'to install use sudo
apt-get' it implies that there is only one distro. This is annoying -
everyone has their favourite distro, and nothing wrong with being
passionate (or even fanatical) about it. So all that needs to be done is
to say 'to install in ubuntu use sudo apt-get'. Another point is that
packages are named differently in different distros. Fedora may have the
package named 'xyz' whereas debian may call it 'libxyz'.

as for distros, I use only three. Fedora on laptop, mandriva for wife
and kids and debian for servers. How this will make me popular, I do not
understand when most people I know have at least 10 distros on their

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