I am using windows seven 64 bit professional, apache httpd 2.2 , php
and mysql (all recently downloaded and installed separately). I had a
APM (apache httpd, PHP, mysql)  application called glpi working fine
for a month. Recently(2 days back) I installed another AMP application
called phpip. Initally i had trouble in getting it working , after
some efforts (instead of custom value for the install , i went with
defaults and ) it started working fine. After getting phpip to work
fine , out of nowhere the glpi application boomed . When i access the
glpi application i am getting the internet explorer page titled page
cannot be displayed (no error code) like the one we get when the
internet connection is lost. The url i try for glpi is

But other AMP application sharing the same resources are working fine.
For example

works fine.
i tried placing the following code in documentroot of the web server
and it shows that everything is fine

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

and access it as

I am able to see mysql information and other whole lot of information.
So from this file i conclude that php is not crashing , apache httpd
is not crashing , mysql is not crashing. Obliviously windows is not

One strange behaviour i noticed was in the error log or access log of
httpd there was no mention of glpi url's , but other application url's
are present in access log. Nothing of importance was found in error.

I am pulling my hair not able to figure out why this application
stopped working suddenly. I had lots of data feed into the application
, i am afraid i might loose the data. Somebody please point out what
might be the potential issue.

with regards,
Ashwin K.
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