A game for wasting time.

$ fortune | cowsay

 let a cow tell you your fortune

$ fortune | cowsay -f tux

Let Tux bring the fortune cookie

You have to install fortune & cowsay packages.

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The following fortune tip already sent in the mailing list by Mr.Grish
at (01.10.09)

Thanks to grish anna. :)

$ fortune
You look like a million dollars.  All green and wrinkled.

$ fortune -im oscar

will search for all Oscar Wilde witticisms.

$ fortune -s

prints only short jokes and so on.

It is a game but meant for people who don't like computer games. It
can serve as a nice break.

If my past employers come to know that I would have wasted at least
10% of my working hours
 doing this, I wonder what they would say.


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