On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Roshan George <ros...@arjie.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-08-28 at 12:42 +0530, Raja Subramanian wrote:
>> IP conflict!  Change wifi router's LAN IP to

>> Clean up your IP addresses.  Use the following scheme:
>> for network appliances (DSL/Wifi router, switches, VPN server)
>> for network printers, scanners, etc
>> for servers
>> for static IP assignment
>> for DHCP assignment
>> for testing/temporary assignment
>> If you have 2 DHCP servers, split the DHCP scope accordingly
>> eg. 192.168.100-149 on DHCP server 1 and rest on the other
>> DHCP server.  But ensure default gateway assignment is always
>> set correctly to
> Thanks for the advice, Raja. I've since replaced the two devices with
> another single device that does both functions. However, I didn't think
> of assigning the IP addresses in the way you've described.
> Your method does seem overly comprehensive for a home network but I'll
> follow it because it seems carefully thought out.

IMO, what Raja has suggested is sort of best practice in LAN topo
layout, irrespective of whether it is a home or a small office LAN.
Time and again, I have come across users shooting themselves in the
foot by assigning static IPs from a DHCP range!

-- Arun Khan
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