On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 04:14 -0700, K.C. Ramakrishna wrote:
> We have been using svn for a long time now but want to improve our
> usage in terms of config mgmt. and release mgmt.
> Do any of you manage a production svn server for a product co? I want
> to explore usage of svn in different release/production scenarios.
> Basically I want to explore "Best Practices" in using svn. 

why are you cross posting?

basically svn has three things (atleast one should make three things) -
trunk, branches and tags.

trunk is where active development takes place.
branches are where developments that might bear fruit in the future but
are not of immediate relevance to trunk take place (it is of course a
good practice to constantly merge trunk into each of the active branches
so that they do not diverge too much)
tags are set and frozen for releases

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