Ah .personal attack ...
I love it :)

>cool - you were in Coimbatore and never started a lug or a glug and
never even contributed to any of the foss events in Coimbatore

Want my track record in it ?

Here it comes  .

You missed my point . I never look up or go behind cheap publicity .

1.When I was in Chennai , just as a student I used to travel the ends of
Chennai , to organise and conduct events . With just a 30 rupees bus
ticket .I have never got the esteemed privilage of sitting in government's
money and travelling in cars nor sitting in AC rooms . Sweat  - I enjoyed
each and every drop of it when it trickled down .

2.Chennai colleges know it - Want to know the exact students I met or the
number of colleges I traveled ??

3.I was in Coimbatore for 7 months - a split of 2 months during june -
august 2009 and the last few months of my career - 3 months .SOme people
sitting in Chennai have been here since ages and allowed proprietary to
florish , wat could have i done  in 3 months ? Thats the reason i could
not contribute .Even in that dire circumstances , i have reached
engineering colleges , polytechnic colleges inn and around Coimbatore ,
plus Erode .

4.In the moths I was in Bangalore , I worked with most of the Glugs in
Bangalore colleges, simultaneous member of Free software movement
karnataka and Free software foundation, Tamilnadu . - Please refer to fsmk
(Free software movement karnataka ) for my contribution towars colleges in
Bangalore , Mysore .

5.I never told that you are not a team player, I just told we need team
players . Long ago I heard a tamil proverb
கெடுm) , was searching for an example , gods grace
, found you .

6."No use" - Good word , good word . Appreciated .People always think to
impose their character on others.

7.Shove - just now  I referred my oxford dictionary and found that shove
means Push . Yes , we will push free software into young minds .

I would also shove anti-GNU people .

Since it was a personal attack on me , i too have attacked personally .
Who ever has/have committed mistake please replace "people" with your name
and read it and get angry . Others , I never hesitate - I am sorry :( . I
never meant to hurt you .


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