> Friends.
> Openstreetmap is used to find the bus routes in chennai.
> Check this site.
> http://busroutes.in/chennai/
> The code is here
> http://github.com/yuvipanda/wtfimb
> For more details and to contribute
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Chennai/Bus_Route_mapping_project
> This may be an interesting project for college students.

A wonderful initiative Srikanth. Appreciate the work well done!

What's the point of SOURCE being OPEN or CLOSED -
if it only helps few individuals to build Hefty Bank Balances for
themselves and
CANNOT solve the problems of the COMMON MAN or at least benefit
him/her in some little way?

Are there any other projects that were started with the ONLY MOTIVE to
HELP our fellow Indians?
(a new thread on this subject would be very helpful!)


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