> Today, myself and Mr. Balamurugan setup a 25 seat FOSS lab for Vellalar
> College of Engineering and Technology, Thindal, Erode District, (
> http://www.vellalar.com/Engg/index.htm) for the department of MCA using
> Fedora-13.
> For any feedback, pl. contact Prof. L.M.Palanivelu / HOD-IT regarding the
> FOSS Lab implementation.
First of all, i welcome this initiative of setting up exclusive foss lab.  I
have few thoughts to share here..

   - Setting up a foss lab should NOT be an end in itself.  Is there any
   result oriented projects planned?
   - FOSS should NOT be confined within a lab.  Rather, we should explore
   how we can use foss applications for day to day use of the college life.
   eg:  intranet mail servers, intranet wiki, intranet forums, intranet blogs,
   a knowledge repository,,   Please excuse me, if these are already done in
   your college.  (In my observation most colleges dont even have an intranet
   mail server).
   - There should institutional mechanism, where the department consistently
   works on a FOSS project, irrespective of students studying.  ie, students
   should learn and contribute for the project, and when before he gets passed
   out, he has to train the incoming students..  by this way, we can generate
   continous pool of resources to work on any FOSS related projects.
   - There are many issues where Linux based machines could not be
   integrated to a windows network. (this is one of the reason why windows
   servers are preferred over linux)..  Colleges can work on these issues with
   colloboration from corporates.

These are just my thoughts..  although there are so much awareness created
in indian colleges, there is no visible FOSS product coming out, bcoz, we
lack product development skills.  Knowing a technology is different from
developing a product.   Unless we aspire to develop products (either for
research purpose, or for requirements of our society), we could not have the
required leap in FOSS movement in india.

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