On 11/30/2010 01:29 PM, pavithran wrote:
> On 29 November 2010 20:37, Rahul Sundaram  wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium_%28web_browser%29#Differences_between_Chromium_and_Google_Chrome
> <quote>
> Google takes this source code and adds an integrated Flash Player, the
> Google name and logo, an auto-updater system called GoogleUpdate, an
> opt-in option for users to send Google their usage statistics and
> crash reports as well as, in some instances, RLZ tracking (see Google
> Chrome) which transmits information in encoded form to Google, for
> example, when and where Chrome has been downloaded.
> </quote>
> Integrated flash player , when did that happen ? was it there from begining ?

Quite early on.  Its been a while. 

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