
I've read a lot of mails about the labs being set up at various
> colleges and, I've wanted to know about what happens next ?

The engg. colleges in the coimbatore and surrounding regions (Erode, Salem,
Namakkal, Karur, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri districts) have started using open
source software in most of the computer labs for doing their practicals and
also decided to teach linux/foss from the first year onwards. (a engg.
college has requested to setup a lab with Linux/QCAD for mechanical engg.

> Does there
> exist a system by which the colleges keep track of how the labs are
> being used or, report issues with the setup ?
As the engg. colleges have the subject 'open source software' in the sixth
semester (
http://www.annauniv.ac.in/syllab_curriculam_pdf/2008/cse_5_8sem.pdf) which
covers LAMPPP, they are in need of foss labs and we have setup the lab with
every proprietary equivalent foss tools and the colleges are experimenting
with all the tools and also have decided to use foss tools in other labs

We have got excellent feedback from almost all the engg. colleges, where we
have setup foss labs and also we all can ensure that, in the coming years
GNU/Linux will be the primary operating system of choice in engg. colleges

We had detailed discussions with many of the engg. college management
authorities, and they have decided to use foss to make better use of IT
infrastructure wherever possible/applicable.


S. Baskar
CEO/LinuXpert Systems
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