On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 1:36 AM, Prem Kurian Philip

> I would appreciate some help with formatting a USB memory stick on Linux
> such that it appears as a CD drive.
> Please note that this is an ordinary USB memory stick - not a U3 device.
> The formatting should allow the USB stick to appear as a CD drive on
> Windows as well.
> Any help is appreciated

What do you actually want? if you want a bootable and/or autorun options
like cd that is simple to do. Search for 'startup disk creator'.

This link [1] has steps about using tools in Windows and Ubuntu to do the
same. It has steps for doing it manually too which should work for most iso
images and in all Gnu/Linux systems. Similar tools are present in Fedora et
al too. Search for it.

[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick

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