Hi ,

My name is Pradheep. I am working in the area of “Multicore scheduling”. I
need to estimate the worst case execution time of a task. For which I am
using a tool “OTAWA”. This works on an Eclipse platform.  This computes the
worst case execution time of a task by taking the binary executable file
generated after compilation of the gcc code and sets  constraints using an
lp_solve tool. The ILP(Integer linear programming) constraints for each task
based on maximum resource allocation is formulated and based on this and the
worst case execution time of the task is computed. To do this I need to
cross compile my gcc code based on gcc tool chains.

                Actually 2 cross compilers were suggested namely

1.       Cross tools

2.       ARM processor tool chain

I am finding some errors stating “Unable to install getandpatch for glib”
while executing demo.sh file for  building the gcc tool chain. I tried
resolving the same but I am unable to completely eliminate them. I would be
obliged if any one could suggest some cross compilers like the above which
has support for me to complete my work. I would be obliged if any one could
help me out on the same.

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