On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Kumaran R <kuma...@techie.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
>     Today, I have installed CentOS in a Xeon server for my school (Bhavan's
> Rajaji Vidyashram) for running a PHP application.
> I also had a good discussion with my IP (Informatics Practices) teacher
> about implementing Linux in all the servers.
I presume you may be aware that the CBSE Computer Science/IT syllabus has
been made vendor neutral. There were some training programs conducted in
this respect -- which your IT teacher might have attended.

CDAC participated in the master training program (held in Delhi) and is now
interacting with CBSE re IT enablement for science, maths and social

could you please give the contact details -- yourself and IT teacher -- so
that we could discuss further re CDAC activities in this regard. you could
respond to my cdac id : srinivas...@cdac.in

thanks and best wishes
Project Scientist
CDAC Chennai
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