On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Mehul Ved <mehul.n....@gmail.com> wrote:

> The term you are looking for is remastering. Here's the Arch wiki page for
> remastering Arch Linux ISO
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Remastering_the_Install_ISO
> And to automatically start applications like Firefox you will need to add
> it
> to the startup script of your chosen DE/WM. e.g. in GNOME you can add it to
> System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications. Or in case of fluxbox you
> can
> add it to ~/.fluxbox/startup file.
Thanks Mehul. It helped me. But, now, I am confused about one issue. Say, I
want some new software like FreeNX "installed" there. How can I do that in
remastering live cd? I mean, 1. Do I need to install that LiveCD in any
VMware and after that, I can add software ( by apt-get or something like
that) and then again make it iso?  2. Or, can I add software from unzipped
iso file? If this is the second one, how can I actually do it?
Any hint?
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