On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Arun Khan <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 8:58 PM, balaji sivanath <starbala2...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I dont have money to buy domain or interested so, I installed apache in my
> > system, Registered with freedns.afraid.org and assigned a subdomain for my
> > ipaddress. Now anyone using that domain name can access the site hosted in
> > my system.
> Have you paid the extra Rs. for a static IP address?  Default is
> dynamic by most ISPs.   You could have just as easily registered a
> host on one of the DynDNS free domains.

I didnt pay extra cost. I am having dynamic IP only. i will use
updater client which will update "freedns" when my ip changes. BTW i
am not going to host any service for 24x7, If i want to share a java
project, i will put it in server & tell my friend (to whom i have to
send the project) to download it and then i will stop the server.

> > I did this for learning purpose and also it is easy to share any files to my
> > friends by asking them to download from my server instead of uploading to
> > another site and sending a link to them.
> Great.  Beware of upstream and downstream bandwidth from your location
> to the ISP.  256 Kbps is the standard which is approx. 25 KB/s of
> usable transfer speed.  N users connecting to your server will get
> about 25/N KB/s.
> > In order to shorten the subdomain name to "xyz.co.cc", I did registration in
> > co.cc and thought to use url forwarding option but they said my ip address
> > is in blocked list and inorder to host server i have to signup in bsnl.
> Most ISP's (world wide) IP blocks are in some RBL or the other :)
> Hosting SMTP server is a pain but web server should be OK.
> > My question is hosting webserver and using freedns to allow people to access
> > my system is legal or not?
>  IIRC, commercial DSL tariffs do allow hosting services in your
> location.   The answer would be in the fine print of your ISP's terms
> of use.  There is no general answer.
> > Is there anyother way to host webserver in my system other than above
> > method?
> Register a host with DynDNS.com + on a different port on the WAN and
> have that port forwarded to your internal system?  e.g.
> http://yourhostname.dyndns.com:8888.
First i did registration in dyndns, activation mail didnt come after
many tries so registered in "freedns.afraid.org". Hope both are going
to do the same work.

> Switching ports may not work with L7 filters within your ISP's cloud,
> if they do not allow it.
> --
> Arun Khan
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
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