> The change of environment that am comfortable with is defenitely weighing on
> my mind! I did not know we can run Mac OSX in a virtual machine. Is it just
> downloadable? In which case I'll check out ThinkPad X220.
> Hows the service / support from Lenovo?

Haven't heard good things about Lenovo customer care. If you are ok with 
a windows/linux laptop then I recommend dell with the right coverage 
options. I have used dell since 2005 and I have availed their service 
several times and i have always had pleasant experiences except for one 
bad experience with a sales person.

To give an idea on what happened and how they resolved, All problems 
were fixed at my home.

- 2005 hard disk, clicking noise: hard disk replaced (2 days)
- 2006 got kingston memory & dell confirmed warranty not void
- 2007 video fan not working: fan was replaced (2 days)
- 2009 power input pin lose: AC adapter & motherboard replaced (2 days)
- 2010 one strand of hair went inside LCD screen: screen replaced
- 2010 a flying scissor and desktop monitor damaged: monitor replaced
- 2011 two defective graphic cards: both graphics card replaced

I usually get both warranty and accidental insurance since the insurance 
costs only a little more over warranty, atleast for laptops.

Hope this helps.

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