On Saturday 03 September 2011 04:23 PM, Raja Subramanian wrote:
> On Sep 3, 2011 11:23 AM, "Arun Venkataswamy"<arun...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I hope the courts help in pulling out this entire thing of free laptops.
> +1
> There's all probability that a vast majority of these laptops will end up
> being used for totally unrelated purposes - games, music, movies, and porn.

Most likely they will be resold. Imagine my surprise when I saw TN 
govt-supplied tv set at a relative's place in Hyderabad. When I asked 
him about it, he said something like, "oh, I went to TN on an 
assignment, and somebody who works on the (construction) site sold it to 
me for 2k". I guess that's the fate of most PDS-supplied rations too.

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