Dear Arun,

I did just what you have suggested - went to the site
<>, and did the same.

1. went to the hidden folder .libreoffice in /home and to the last folder
2. there was a folder /basic - one file called 'standard' and another
one called 'script.xlc'
3. i opened the script.xlc - through 'gedit'
4. deleted all the contents in the script.xlc
5. and saved the same file as 'dialog.xlc'
6. closed the libreoffice, and opened once again.

Now, there is no error pop-up message - as it used to come earlier.

I do not know whether this is actually a solution, or it just removed the popup.

Anyway, for now, it removed the irritating one which was spoiling,
whenever I open in front of my customer, and tried showing it to them
for a replacement of Microsoft Office.  This is not commercial, but
just trying to introduce FOSS - for their personal use / office use. I
dont sell IT products.

Thanks once again Mr. Arun.

with warm regards
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