On 29 October 2011 11:06, Arun Venkataswamy <arun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks all for pitching in to help!
> I am not in a position to change the database software from MySQL.
> I guess the only way to do it is programmatically record all the changes at
> the master side (all SQL update/insert/delete commands) on a per branch
> basis and send that information for playback at the branch databases.

If you plan to implement the above. I think the following information
would be helpful. Mysql maintains a binlog file ( as specified in
my.cnf configuration file) which has a log of all mysql db changes
made. So having a application to reading it and updating the db would
be far easier than having to write a application to record all db
changes and relaying to the master db.

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