= December Monthly Meet Announcement

== Date & Time

24 Dec
3:00pm to 5:00pm

== Venue

Zilogic Systems,
Fourth Main Road,
Kamaraj Nagar,

Location map: http://www.zilogic.com/contact.html

== Agenda

  1. Lightning Talks - 60 min.

     - Closures - Vijay Kumar
     - Python & MySQL - Abdul
     - String Handling - Rengaraj
     - Python & WxWidgets - Bala

     If you would like to give a lightning talk, just come prepared,
     we will be able to accommodate you.

  2. PyCon 2011 Video: Hidden Treasures in the Standard Library
     by Doug Hellmann - 30 min.

     Doug Hellmann is the man behind the Python Module of the Week
     (PyMOTW). http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/ This presentation
     by Doug Hellman covers features of the standard library not
     widely known or used. Each feature is presented with a short
     demonstration program and explanation.


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