On 2012-01-24 at 20:46:20 GMT ஆமாச்சு <ramadasan@...> writes:
> On Tuesday 24 January 2012 06:17 AM, VK Sameer wrote:
> > Request for help from Pythonistas and/or OpenERP users. I'm trying to 
> > install
> > OpenERP 6.1RC1 
> > (http://nightly.openerp.com/6.1/release/openerp-6.1rc1.tar.gz) on
> > Centos 6.2 using Python 2.6 and get this very weird error:
> >
> > python: Python/compile.c:3437: stackdepth_walk: Assertion `depth>= 0' 
> > failed.
> > Aborted
> are you trying to install or actually trying to run the server from the 
> extracted folder?

I was trying to run openerp-server from the extracted folder first and the error
came up. Install also failed since the .py files are "compiled" first before
being copied over.

Thanks to Florent X., the problem has been isolated to specific versions of
Python, and maybe CentOS
(https://answers.launchpad.net/openerp/+question/185679). I suspect a difference
in Python build settings since on CentOS 5.5, Python 2.4.3 works ok while 2.6.5
doesn't. On CentOS 6.2, packaged Python 2.6.6 doesn't work, but a vanilla
configure&make build of 2.6.7 works OK.

Compared to Perl's CPAN, Python package management is still a work in progress.
And compared to apt-get, so is yum and rpm. Forget about users, even major
Python app. developers seem to have no clue whether to use easy_install or pip.
It doesn't help that easy_install gives useful details but doesn't uninstall
(true to its name), while pip uninstalls but its verbose option is hardly that.
And neither cares that python-dateutil 2.0 needs Python 3.0 and should not be
installed into a Python 2.x site-package area. These are all solved problems in
the Perl world. And the less said about CentOS's lack of "stock" SRPMs the
better. I haven't had to use rpmfind for years to look for packages.


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