On வியாழன் 26 ஜனவரி 2012 02:05 மாலை, Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
> In a nutshell, I think Free Software is inclined towards users -- their
> freedom whereas Open Source is inclined towards businesses, to make Free
> Software more acceptable for businesses who don't much care about user's
> freedom but want technical superiority of free software.

business people have aversion towards the other meaning of free.
rms has aversion towards other possible interpretations that open might 
lead to.

the problem is with English. rms till date couldn't find a suitable 
alternative to free, though he agrees with mis-interpretation it raises.

according to him only free gives the meaning of free in English.

why not bluntly call it "Freedom Software". not sure what the suffix 
'dom' might cause. may be little lengthy and non-crispy like free.

There are abundant languages in India. And each might have more than 
three-four words for freedom.

And English has been open to Loan words. 'kolaveri' perhaps the latest 
addition. ;-)

so this time when he is around, suggest him all possible words in the 
sub-continent that refers to freedom.

probably people here would have attempted it earlier & failed. let free 
sense prevail then.


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