-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [FSFTN] Microsoft & Tamil Nadu Government agreed to work 
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 19:38:11 -0600
 From: Alagunambi Welkin <alagunambiwel...@fsftn.org>
To: <mailingl...@fsftn.org>
Reply-To: mailingl...@fsftn.org

Dear Friends,

Microsoft International President Jean Philippe Courtois met Tamil Nadu 
Chief Minister on the 6th March 2012 to discuss on improving (or so they 
say!) the education and IT sector of Tamil Nadu, and agreed to work 

Press Release: 

Even as a neighbouring State like Kerala where 'Free Software' is being 
used as a medium to promote self-sufficiency and initiative in learning 
among students thus helping them gain an edge in the competitive world, 
the Tamil Nadu government in the name of'improving' the education system 
has decided to further the use of proprietary software. This will 
directly result in yet another generation of software students being 
subject to a mechanical system of education which will result in them 
becoming non-qualified workers in an industry that is entering to a 
phase of crisis. This is at a time when a study has said students from 
Tamil Nadu are the the least employable in India.

This current situation is where IT industries are keen on Arts & 
Sciences students than engineering students is a direct result of an 
education system where the engineers are 'taught' and 'trained' to be 
mere users of proprietary software rather than 'engineers'. Today, 
families are forced to spend lakhs of rupees in the dream of a high 
salary of children, out of which almost 40% of the money goes for 
licensing fees in colleges. Despite all this money spent, the student is 
unable to compete in the job market and forced to take extra courses to 
enter the job market by spending at least few ten thousands.

This decision made at the top is a direct challenge to all those who 
want to see the improvement to the situation in the education system of 
Tamil Nadu. When there is a conscious effort against the people's 
interest, it is up to us to take a stand and work for what we deserve – 
an education system based on free software.

The first step is to spread awareness of the use and relevance of free 
software and the dangerous implications of such a move. We invite you to 
join us in this campaign and join hands against this development.

Alagunambi Welkin
Executive Committee Member,
Free Software Foundation, Tamil Nadu,
part of Free Software Movement of India.

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