> Been a long while since I initiated a mail to LUG.
> I thought I will discuss different network I/O schemes or rather the
>   way CPU and memory is used to perform what most of us do today.

It will be better if you put this in a web page and provide the link. It 
is difficult to read, mostly because, formatting & plain text just don't 
go well together unless you put a lot of effort in.

> It is a no brainer that if you want performance you write in C. You may know
> Linus Torvald's comments on C++.

Who gives a damn about what he thinks about C or C++ for that matter. I 
hate C++ myself and he didn't have say it. I hate java too but I guess 
the discussion on "programming languages I hate" doesn't belong here. 
People who like C++/Java, please don't feel offended, this is just a 
personal opinion/choice.

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