On 5/31/12, Balachandran Sivakumar <benignb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:08 PM, vijayaraghavan seshan
> <msvraghavan2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was trying to install openldap in gnu linux box and in the process
>> encountered the below error, Can someone please help me on this one?
>> #  ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=pa-wiki-01,dc=com" -W -f
>> /etc/openldap/pa-wiki-01.ldif
>       Try adding the -v flag for verbosity, and then paste the results
> again. Also, paste a proper ldif files here(may be with false data) so
> that we can see if the file is OK. Also, the last comment says you
> need to do a successful bind. Make sure your admin user name and
> password are correct. Thanks
> --
> Thank you
> Balachandran Sivakumar
> Arise Awake and stop not till the goal is reached.
>                                                              - Swami
> Vivekananda
> Mail: benignb...@gmail.com
> Blog: http://benignbala.wordpress.com/
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Thanks Bala for the info...I got the same error after adding verbosity
not much error information retrieved.....

# ldapadd -x -v -D "cn=manager,dc=pa-wiki-01,dc=com" -W -f
ldap_initialize( <DEFAULT> )
Enter LDAP Password:
warning: no attributes to add (entry="dc=pa-wiki-01,dc=com
dc:pa-wiki-01    description: LDAP Admin   objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit   ou: rootobject    dn: ou=People,
dc=pa-wiki-01,dc=com   ou: People   description: Users of pa-wiki-01
 objectClass: organizationalUnit")
adding new entry "dc=pa-wiki-01,dc=com   dc:pa-wiki-01    description:
LDAP Admin   objectClass: dcObject   objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: rootobject    dn: ou=People, dc=pa-wiki-01,dc=com   ou: People
description: Users of pa-wiki-01    objectClass: organizationalUnit"
modify complete
ldapadd: Operations error (1)
        additional info: 000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C090BE8, comment: In
order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on
the connection., data 0, v1db1

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