On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 09:20:17AM +0530, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> Linux is hardware intensive yes.
> OpenBSD is the best OS to run on old low capability hardware.

I disagree. The ARM ports allow Linux to be run on embedded hardware
which are very low in power consumption. Please don't rush to sweeping
conclusions based more on opinion than fact.

I run Debian on an NSLU2, an embedded system, which has a 133 MHz
processor and 32 MB RAM, and it performs acceptably well. I have also
run fairly recent kernels on old-ish computer hardware without

####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]#######################

Sub : Making an exact copy of a VCD/ audio CD        LOST #304
Take a look at cdrdao Homepage: http://cdrdao.sourceforge.net/
With "cdrdao" you  can create an  exact image of a CD and then
burn this image on a CD-R. Specially useful in case of VCD's.
####[rajesh (at) symonds.net]#################################
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