> Is there a way to keep track of the network traffic through all the
> different interface devices in my system. Or a library to do so, I want to
> create a log that store the total size of file transfered since the script
> or program starts running.

By default, iptables keeps track of the number of bytes and packets for 
each rule. You can use the option -vx to display them. In your case, 
based on what the script does, you can add an iptables rules matching 
the network activity which will keep track of number of bytes and 
packets. You can reset the counters using -Z option. Here is a sample 
output from iptables,

$ sudo iptables -vxnL INPUT|tr -s ' '|cut -d" " -f14,2-4|tr ' ' '\t'
pkts    bytes   target
623     51632   ACCEPT
111     6362    ACCEPT
77      4620    ACCEPT
13454   805868  ACCEPT  dpt:22
3500    182164  ACCEPT  dpt:15025
166     9936    ACCEPT  dpt:15465
1       60      ACCEPT  dpt:15587
3768    199107  ACCEPT  dpt:15993
3417    176023  REJECT

The article below may help, it seems to talk about traffic accounting 
with iptables,


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