On Tue, 2012-06-26 at 17:47 +0530, Balachandran Sivakumar wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 5:23 PM, kenneth gonsalves
> <law...@thenilgiris.com> wrote:
> >
> > afaik human memory power is only useful to pass exams (and maybe to
> > conduct religious ceremonies - what does it have to do with
> programming
> > ability?
>          The syntax mandates more memory than a few other languages.
> For eg, const char* is different from char const*. Though all
> languages have it, C, Perl and other such languages needs a lot more
> things to be remembered when compared to languages like Python. Also,
> manpages are not available by default. So, if you forget what the
> parameters to send() are, you are lost if you don't have manpages-dev
> installed. But in Python(and I guess with Perl as well), you can
> afford to do help(something) from the interpreter(or perldoc -f
> something for perl). Thanks 

makes some sense - my memory is horrible and I always have to look up
even the simplest things again and again. This actually helps my
programming because constant reference to the documents keeps me aware
of changes and new ways to solve problems. With the internet available
at our finger tips, the lack of man pages should not be that much of a
problem - unless one is in an environment where one is denied access.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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