> People participate out of their
> own interest to share their wisdom and in the process help others. The
> guidelines are primarily aimed at taking the best possible route to
> get answers from people. Why would I be interested in answering your
> questions, if you repeatedly top post and I am unable to get the
> context at all or if I had to put in a lot of effort to get the
> context just to help you? If you're bottom posting and your answer is
> just a few words, why should I scroll down a large amount of text just
> to see few words of reply that too when the context of the reply might
> not be obvious.

If a person wishes to answer a question, he chooses the easiest way or
his own way to reply.
When we ask him to change the way he replies, he gets the same
thoughts on mind as

"I get little free time, I wish to make it useful for the community.
I check email and reply, if I know the answers for any queries.
If there are restrictions a.k.a guidelines on how I have to reply to a email,
I will skip replying, instead of formatting the email for better readability.

I am not getting this regulations, in office and in most of the other lists.
If there are regular inspection on how I am replying, I will be just a
reader than contributor"


These are the words I am hearing from many people for years.

If we are constantly regulating the writing style, I fear that we may
loss many list contributors and
useful discussions.

I think we need to do something to remove the fears of the list
members to write to list.

What should we have to do?


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