
--- On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 9:33 PM, ARUN PALANIAPPAN
<arunpalaniappan....@gmail.com> wrote:
| Easy Plot works well with Windows but, not  in Linux (as Expected!!) .

It has nothing to do with Linux.

| When I try to open the file using either Note Pad (WIndows) or
| using Gedit (Linux), I just get a cluster of symbols!!

It must be a binary file. It looks like a closed source, proprietary
software where the binary file format is not an open standard, and
only known to the vendor.

| Or is there any means to extract the Data and paste it into a Note atleast?

You need to write to the software vendor for support, since it is
neither an open source software, nor do they follow an open file


Shakthi Kannan
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