On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Velmurugan Moorthy
<velmurugan1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello,
>         1. The problem is with my desktop.
>         2. I have installed windows7(long ago) and ubuntu12.04 in it.
>         3. ubuntu is the 2nd installed one.
>         4. Recently I wanted to repartition my hard disks while trying that
> I accidentally deleted the partition that contains the ubuntu 12.04.

So the problem is *not* with the desktop (as you assert in point 1)
but with the operator :)

>         5. Now the problem is that ubuntu GRUB is the default loader which
> I deleted.
>         6. Inside which the windows loader is present.
>         7. Now the grub is not loading...
>         8. The system is showing " error:unknown file system ".   and
> showing a prompt as  " grub rescue> "
>         9. I googled about it in the internet and tried some commands.

Which commands exactly did you try?  so that we do not repeat the same
solutions to you.

>        10. But it requires the GRUB to be present atleast in another
> partition.
>        11. But I have totally deleted every thing. now what can I do.?
>        12. I have also tried to install windows7 but it shows same error..

A fresh install of Windows should have overwriten the MBR and point to
it's boot loader on C:\, something must have gone wrong in your
install process.

>   " error:unknown file system " and again the prompt comes.
>         13.Is there any solution for this..?

Hopefully you have a small partition of say 2 GB of disk space (no
swap).  Install ubuntu server minimal.  This would restore your grub
along with the Windows in the menu.   You can then boot Windows
(assuming it is not brain damaged - see above comment)  and do 'fdisk
/mbr'  from the CLI.

Arun Khan
"As a layman, I would say we have it, but as a scientist I have to
say, 'What do we have?'"
Rolf Heuer, Director General CERN on the announcement of Higgs Boson particle.
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