---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anupama <anup...@fsftn.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:02 PM
Subject: [FSFTN] Software Freedom Day at Pondicherry
To: mailingl...@fsftn.org

Pondicherry witnessed the first software freedom day celebration yesterday.
PuduvaiLUG organized the event at Petit Seminaire school.The venue, and
some of the later events brought out the significance of introducing Free
Software in schools

Mr.Prasanna Venkatesh and his team were hospitable and made arrangements
for FSFTN to set up a stall on "Free Software Philosophy" which was run by
PuduvaiLUG and FSFTN members. Mr. Prakash and Mr.Deepak Johnson chipped in
their artistic skills and and created a collection of uber cool Free
software logos in a matter of minutes. There were stalls on a variety of
languages and applications such as LISP,Python,Android,Virtual
box,Stellarium etc. Professionals from BlueLight technologies gave a
demonstration of booting the OS from a server through LAN and also
explained how and why Linux made the system more secure.

A lot of people were attracted to the stall on Stellarium, a free software
that models space. The volunteers at Free Software stall did a great job
and gave a clear overview of Free Software in general, and Pinguy OS and
Wikpedia in particular. Mr. Yogesh Girikumar talked on Free Software
philosophy and extended the concepts of openness. He held the audience
spell-bound and was kept busy by eager students throughout the day, who
approached him to clarify their doubts.

There were some shortcomings.
1. Some stalls demonstrated free software applications on a closed,non-free
Operating System. This defeated the purpose of using Free Software
2. Practical demonstration of certain concepts was missing. The demos
 required very little effort and would have made the concepts much more
3. Freedoms were  numbered starting from 1.

The Deputy Inspector of Schools paid a visit and expressed her strong
desire to introduce FOSS to students from the elementary level. Her
enthusiasm and encouragement was motivational.

Mr.Bala and Mr.Amachu spoke on the scope of FOSS and the reasons for using
it. Mr.Bala put forth thought-provoking questions which made us ponder on
the positive impact of FOSS in India. Mr. Welkin gave suggestions for
building on the community base established today. Many of the participants
agreed to visit Chennai on 22nd September to celebrate Software Freedom at
College Of Engineering, Guindy. Kudos to PuduvaiLUG for their initiative.

Anupama and Guna Jyothi Basu
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