Occasionally LUG requires the iron hand KG had

Too much love does not help. Chanakya tantra helps at times.


On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Joseph <joe.joyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 October 2012 12:00 PM, Arun Venkataswamy wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 6:11 AM, Raman.P <raam...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
>>> --- On Tue, 2/10/12, Arun Venkataswamy <arun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> [Personal Opinion]
>>>> Unfortunate that such a large college wants free beer. In
>>>> the spirit of
>>>> "increasing employment opportunity" I think they should
>>>> choose a commercial
>>>> provider who is making money with/through open source
>>>> products and
>>>> services.
>>> This is not free beer. The trainers will be paid by the college.
>> This was never mentioned anywhere in the thread. As a person who was
>> following the thread, I assumed the entire circus was about someone wanting
>> to do this at a cost (to make his living) vs. a bunch of people who wanted
>> to do this free.
>>> Many colleges had bad experience with many commercial entities.
>> This is so sad. We need better commercial entities who are involved with
>> FOSS then. If I were a decision maker, I would choose a commercial entity
>> because:
>>     - I have commercial/legal binding on the delivery of training
>>     - Can question quality of training
>>     - Can demand what I want and not accept what is being offered.
>>     - Plan my courses and classes based on my time, and not based on the
>>     trainer's full time employer's.
>>> This professor has some keen interest in promoting FOSS. Almost all the CS
>>> students are already trained in basic Linux. He also made his students to
>>> contribute to spoken tutorials project.
>>> He has offered us place and facilities for any event that ILUGC will be
>>> hosting including monthly meetings.
>> This is great. We need more professors like this.
>>> I am afraid by needless discussions we have reduced our standings in his
>>> view.
>> I agree my comment on free beer was not warranted, but as mentioned
>> earlier, the fact that money was involved for trainers was never mentioned
>> anywhere.
>> @Raman, my post was not directed against any one. I am awed by the efforts
>> put in by you and a few others in promoting FOSS. Specifically people like
>> you who have put in years. I still remember meeting you over a decade ago
>> in one of the ILUGC meetings at IIT.
>> When money is involved, it is better to be clear and transparent.
>> Regards,
>> Arun
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> I have been watching this thread for quite some time. This should have
> been managed in professional way. The moderators could have dealt this
> with certain level of maturity. I wish our KG should be here to see all
> this. He would have sorted  this out with a single mail.I feel bad by
> seeing even experienced people have down to argue on this topic. I think
> we have silent observers who is looking this group to  get knowledge.
> such  topics  will lower the dignity  and a wrong message  convey to
> those users.
> its my humble openion.  I hope my comment will not start another thread mail
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> http://www.ae.iitm.ac.in/mailman/listinfo/ilugc

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