
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 10:29 PM, ஆமாச்சு <> wrote:
> you work somewhere or student? where?

We all have to work! (have been slogging in the IT industry for over
28 years -- am rushing towards my physical 'golden' decade)

I am still trying to learn. (I am a lifelong student -- svaadhyaa
pravacanaabhyam na pramatitavyam -- never deviate from learning and
imparting it -- taittiriiya upanishat)

In my arrogance, I would say I know a bit or two in IT (!Income tax:
even einstein was foxed by it)

> my reply after seeing yours :-)

IIRC, I have seen you in IITB FSD couple of years back as a keynote
speaker, where spoken tutorials was showcased. One of our esteemed
members Sivakumar was there too... and another member who brought it
to life.

An I have the T-shirt and jute bag to prove that...

I was the ignorant audience.

All the best,


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